
Exhibition on Screen: Michelangelo - Szerelem és halál

Exhibition on Screen: Michelangelo - Szerelem és halál

English art documentary, 91 min, 2017
in English with Hungarian subtitles

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Last event date: Friday, December 27 2024 11:00AM

Director: David Bickerstaff

To coincide with a glorious new exhibition at the National Gallery of London, this film offers a full and fresh biography of Michelangelo who, with Leonardo, is considered one of the greatest artists of the Renaissance – and perhaps of all time. This film explores his relationship with his contemporaries and his immense artistic practice that included painting, sculpture and architecture. Among the works explored are the universally adored David in Florence, the Sistine Chapel in Rome and the Manchester Madonna (today at the National Gallery).

This major new film goes to the heart of just who was this tempestuous, passionate giant of art history.

More information about the season of Exhibition On Screen >>

Ticket information

Ticket price: 3600 HUF
For students, pensioners, teachers: 3200 HUF

Tickets are available at the Cassa of the Urania National Filmtheater (open every day, Credit Cards are accepted) and in the Ticket Sale System of Interticket (available in English too)

Our offer

3+ 90 perc, 1 szünettel Bábtechnika: kesztyűsbáb, pálcás báb

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