
Itáliai utazás 2024/25: Zamora

Itáliai utazás 2024/25: Zamora

Italian comedy, 100 min, 2024
in Italian with Hungarian subtitles

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Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!

Last event date: Monday, February 10 2025 6:30PM

Director: Neri Marcorè
Cast: Alberto Paradossi, Marta Gastini, Neri Marcorè, Anna Ferraioli Ravel, Giovanni Storti, Walter Leonardi, Giovanni Esposito, Antonio Catania, Pia Engleberth, Giuseppe Antignati, Pia Lanciotti, Alessandro Besentini aka Ale, Francesco Villa aka Franz, Giacomo Poretti, Davide Ferrario


Walter, an accountant at heart and on the job, is forced to transfer from his small town and take a position in a Milan company. The owner, who is passionate about soccer, makes his employees engage in weekly soccer games. Walter, who doesn’t like soccer, offers to be the goalie. But he allows too many goals and his colleagues rename him “Zamora”, sarcastically comparing him to the great Spanish goalkeeper of the 1930s. Feeling betrayed and embarrassed in front of a love interest, Walter devises an original plan to take revenge! Can he succeed?

More information about the Italian Journey 2024/25 >>

The program is supported by the National Cultural Fund of Hungary.


Our offer

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