Parthenopé - Nápoly szépe - Díszbemutató
Italian- French drama, fantasy, 136 min, 2024
in Italian with Hungarian subtitles
Italian- French drama, fantasy, 136 min, 2024
in Italian with Hungarian subtitles
Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a Jegy.hu keresőjében!
Last event date: Saturday, December 14 2024 7:00PM
Director: Paolo Sorrentino
Cast: Gary Oldman, Stefania Sandrelli, Silvio Orlando, Luisa Ranieri, Biagio Izzo, Isabella Ferrari, Brando Improta
The long journey of Parthenope’s life, from her birth in 1950 till today. A feminine epic, devoid of heroism but brimming with an inexorable passion for freedom, Naples, and the faces of love—all those true, pointless, and unspeakable loves. The perfect Capri summer, the lightheartedness of youth. Which ends in ambush. And then all the others—the Neapolitans, men and women, observed and loved, disillusioned and vital, their waves of melancholy, their tragic ironies and dejected glances. Life, be it ordinary or memorable, knows how to be very long. The passing of time offers up a vast repertoire of emotions. And there in the background, so close and so very far, is Naples, this ineffable city that bewitches, enchants, screams, laughs, and always knows how to hurt you.
Ticket price: 3,000 HUF
Awards: Cannes International Film Festival 2024 - in Competition
Distributor: Mozinet
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