Dóra Szabó – flute
Gergely Ittzés – flute
Anna Molnár – voice
Márta Ábrahám – violin
András Szalai – cimbalom
Tamás Schlanger – percussion
Márta Ábrahám – violin
Moment musical – Premiere
György Schweigert – double bass
Quartetto per archi
Ábrahám Quartet:
Márta Ábrahám – violin
Kristóf Tóth – violin
Levente Fülöp – viola
Barnabás Baranyai – cello
Praeludium, Interludium, Postludium
László Borbély – piano
Gergely Ittzés – flute
László Borbély – piano
Molnár Anna – ének
Szabó Dóra – fuvola
Ittzés Gergely – fuvola
Ábrahám Márta – hegedű
Tóth Kristóf – hegedű
Fülöp Levente – brácsa
Baranyai Barnabás – cselló
Schweigert György – nagybőgő
Borbély László – zongora
Szalai András – cimbalom
Schlanger Tamás – ütőhangszerek
Composer József Sári celebrates his 90th birthday this year. On this occasion, our celebratory concert features his chamber music and solo pieces composed for a variety of instruments, including world premieres, performed by outstanding musicians of the Hungarian contemporary music scene. József Sári is a leading figure of 20th and 21st century Hungarian music, both as a composer and as a teacher. Between the 1980s and the 2000s, his works were frequently performed not only in Hungary but also throughout Europe, especially in Germany. His pedagogical work was just as highly regarded: until his retirement, he taught generations of musicians at the Béla Bartók Secondary School of Music and the Liszt Academy in Budapest, and as a guest professor at master classes. He has received numerous awards at home and abroad.