
Trio Haris (Ránki – Stark – Devich) I. | Haydn, Liszt, Schubert

Trio Haris (Ránki – Stark – Devich) I. | Haydn, Liszt, Schubert

After four concerts in 2023, János Mátyás Stark, Gergely Devich and Fülöp Ránki are announcing a new series at the BMC, now under the name of Trio Haris. Their first concert will feature two special gems before the well-known closing piece.

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Last event date: Saturday, October 05 2024 7:00PM

Joseph Haydn: Piano Trio in E-flat minor, Hob. XV:31
Ferenc Liszt: Tristia, S. 378C
Franz Schubert: Piano Trio No. 2 in E-flat major, D. 929

János Mátyás Stark – violin
Gergely Devich – cello
Fülöp Ránki – piano

Haydn's Trio in E-flat Minor is special not only for its unusual tone and the quasi-amalgam form of its first movement: its second movement was originally called 'Jacob's Dream' by the composer, who jokingly composed the biblical ladder leading from earth to heaven into the heights of the violin part – for an amateur violinist who was notoriously at odds with such positions.

Liszt's chamber music output is a small slice of his vast oeuvre as a composer, and these works are very rarely heard. Tristia is a late trio version of the piano work Obermann's Valley, which lacks the dramatic recitative and glowing final section of the original piano version; Liszt retained only the melancholic first movement, thus referring the piece into the realm of his purely contemplative late works.

The evening concludes with Schubert's Trio in E-flat major, one of the evergreen jewels of the immense wealth of Austro-German chamber music.

Further concerts in this series:
4 January 2025 7 PM Trio Haris (Ránki – Stark – Devich) II. | Takemitsu, Schubert, Shostakovich
22 March 2025 7 PM Trio Haris (Ránki – Stark – Devich) III. | Haydn and Beethoven
7 June 2025 7 PM Trio Haris (Ránki – Stark – Devich) IV. | Schumann and Brahms

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